Bakersfield Wrongful Death Attorneys from Omega Law Group
How do you hold someone accountable for a loved one’s tragic death? When in doubt, you can collaborate with our Bakersfield wrongful death attorneys to bring your loss to the attention of a civil judge. Your efforts can help you secure the financial aid you need to both punish a negligent party and recover from the financial strain of a loved one’s death.
We bring decades of experience to bear for you as you fight to get your life back on track. Our Bakersfield personal injury lawyers know that no amount of money will bring your loved one back, but Omega Law Group hopes that our efforts can help you feel more in control of your life. You can contact us today to book a free case evaluation.
What to Do After a Loved One’s Wrongful Death
While there are dozens of strategies out in the world designed to help you overcome the emotional pain of a loved one’s untimely death, no strategy is guaranteed to get you back on your feet. Our attorneys recommend that you customize your approach to mourning and recovery.
Should you want to take legal action against the party responsible for your loved one’s passing, it’s in your best interest to contact a personal injury attorney before your case’s statute of limitations expires.
Doing so does more than allow you to pursue a case against a negligent offender. It also allows you to delegate responsibility for the legal aspects of your recovery to experienced professionals. Our help can ensure that you have time to take the following steps:
Some people argue that grief, particularly from a loved one’s death, never really goes away. Rather, you learn to live with it over time. Some days that grief will be worse than others. On other days, you may feel guilty for the fact that you’re living a normal life.
Learning to contend with this cocktail of complicated emotions takes time and, in some cases, external help. Fortunately, you have a strong community around you. You can take as much time as you need to celebrate a loved one’s life and discuss how you move on from the sharpness of your grief with people who love you.
Our wrongful death lawyers in Bakersfield want to be part of your community. While we can’t share stories about your loved one’s life, we can advocate for their right to get justice. Contacting our team allows you to bring in professionals who can help hold a negligent party accountable for the loss you now have to live with.
Discuss Your Right to Legal Action
Once you feel like you can get back on your feet and take action against a negligent party, you need to determine whether or not you have the legal right to file a wrongful death claim. California only allows certain parties to take action on behalf of the deceased. These parties can include the following:
- Children
- Spouse
- Parents
- Step-children
- Legal guardian(s)
You may also qualify to file a wrongful death claim on behalf of the deceased if you stand to benefit from intestate succession.
Outline Your Right to an Insurance Claim
There are some accidents that may entitle you to file for wrongful death compensation from an insurance company. For example, if your loved one dies in a fatal car accident, drivers with at least California’s minimum liability insurance may have the coverage needed for you to recover economic damages from an insurance company.
Working with an insurance claims adjuster in the wake of a loved one’s passing can prove emotionally fraught. Insurance claims adjusters aren’t your friends. They don’t want to give you money. Moreover, they will not hesitate to minimize the emotional impact of a loved one’s death to save themselves money.
You can get ahead of this bad-faith behavior by collaborating with a wrongful death attorney in Bakersfield. However, we recommend that you meet with our team and discuss the pros and cons of filing an insurance claim before you resign yourself to an insurance claims adjuster’s misconduct.
Calculate the Value of a Loved One’s Losses
If you want to bring a wrongful death claim forward in civil court, you have to calculate the value of the damages you want prior to filing your claim. This means establishing the value of your loved one’s financial, emotional, and physical losses alongside an experienced attorney.
We can step in and do the hard math for you so you can receive as much compensation as possible from the party responsible for your loved one’s death. This will help us assign a dollar value to losses like pain and suffering or loss of consortium.
We can then help you gather the invoices necessary to prove the value of your lost wages, property damage, and funeral expenses. You can count on our team to keep this process as transparent as possible while simultaneously prioritizing your right to comprehensive support. You can bring any questions you may have to a free case evaluation with our team.
Our Wrongful Death Lawyers in Bakersfield Can Advocate for You
It can feel impossible to regain control of your life after a loved one’s wrongful death. Bakersfield attorneys understand that you need space to grieve. At the same time, we want to help you stabilize your financial future before time runs out. That’s why we step in and offer legal services to families like yours.
Omega Law Group’s efforts can help you pay your bills without compromising your right to celebrate a loved one’s life. We want to help you get the justice you deserve – and protect other families from the grief you’re feeling today. You can contact us to schedule a free case evaluation right now.