Car Device Preventing DUI
The Vision Zero Initiative, put in place in 2014, set the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities by 2025. So far, the figures are not looking good.
In fact, 32 roadway deaths occur everyday on average in the city of Los Angeles according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And with traffic conditions reportedly worsening after the COVID-19 lockdown, people need to remain extra vigilant when trekking these Los Angeles streets.
This same governmental organization contends that for every ten traffic-related incidents, three of them are linked to drunk driving. It’s apparent then that drunk driving remains a pressing issue that needs to be addressed in Los Angeles.
Even more concerning is the fact that only a minute portion of drunk drivers are caught by proper authorities, as is disturbingly reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means that drivers and passengers alike are vulnerable from drunk driving related accidents.
Fortunately, our politicians seem to be picking up on the need to integrate anti-drunk driving technology to help in eliminating drunk driving incidents altogether. It remains to be seen whether this goal is actually plausible, but the coming technological developments as well as the ones already available to us seem to be promising.
Here are five anti–drunk driving technology we should keep in mind:
1. Ignition Interlock Device
The ignition interlock device is a modern sober drive technology. Typically used by those with existing DUI convictions, this forces offenders to provide a sober breath sample before operating their vehicles. While this device is mandated to be installed in the cars of severe DUI offenders, you do not need to have a DUI conviction to get one.
If you are a parent, for example, and are concerned of the possibility that your teenager may engage in risky behaviors, this usually calls for a long parenting talk about the dangers of drunk driving. If, for some reason, they give you a reason to be concerned, then installing that ignition interlock device may be a tough parenting call to make.
2. Uber or Lyft
Rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft are effective pieces of anti drunk driving technology. Both are easy-to-access preventative tools that have been known to curb drunk driving. In fact, a research study has linked the popularity of Uber and Lyft to the decrease in DUI convictions since their ascent in popularity during the early-2010s.
While not exactly the most economical option, opting to hail a rideshare service to get to a specific destination is arguably cheaper and safer. It’ll potentially save you a ton of money for repairing the damages in your car or medical bills.
3. Driver Alcohol Detection System For Safety (DADSS)
A new law has passed federally that would require manufacturers to install a built-in Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety — or D.A.D.S.S. — in new vehicles starting 2027. This federal law could potentially have significant effects in decreasing traffic fatalities as DADSS is designed to detect any signs of inebriation.
While the DADSS could have positive impacts on roadway safety, skeptics say that there are repercussions that people must seriously consider. For one, it may fail to operate due to a false positive. Some have also pointed out their concerns relating to privacy, going so far as to label the new federal law requiring this anti drunk driving technology as unconstitutional.
Based on several news reports, the yet-to-be-implemented anti drunk driving tech will be a touch based system or breath based system. Let’s do a deeper dive into both of them.
4. DADSS: Touch Based System
The touch based system of the DADSS will use infrared light to detect the driver’s blood alcohol content. Different prototypes of this system have been sketched out. Program engineers aim to integrate this system into existing car parts so that it will have a more “natural” feel.
It’s also working to address any kinks in the system. Like, would it be possible for anyone not in the driver seat to simply touch the button on the drunk driver’s behalf? There are so many issues that engineers need to address, but fortunately for them, they have years to figure it out.
5. DADSS: Breath Based System
The breath based system of the DADSS is slated to be different from its more punitive counterpart, the ignition interlock device. This system will be a lot more passive. Sensors will be present in the vehicle which would only require the driver to simply “exhale” to get a measurement of the driver’s blood alcohol content through their breath alone.
Call Omega Law Group
No matter the precautions you actively take against drunk driving, the report made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding unreported drunk driving incidents still underscores the fact that our roads are littered by drunk drivers — possibly more than you may have anticipated.
You are not exempt from the possibility of getting into a car crash no matter the extra care you take in making sure you don’t get convicted of a DUI. Unfortunately, not a lot of people exercise that same deal of care. Remain hypervigilant on the road. One way to do that is by having a drunk accident expert help you in case you get hit by a reckless drunk driver.
But you will need the best in the game. You need Omega Law Group.
The team at Omega Law Group are highly skilled and experienced in helping personal injury victims with legal matters. With over millions of dollars accrued in compensation, DUI victims looking to get legal counsel will be in good hands.
Omega attorneys have racked up awards from industry-vetted organizations, including SuperLawyers.com and Best Lawyers. Furthermore, they have also been featured in prominent publications like the Los Angeles Times and the Los Angeles Business Journal.
They made headlines in the Business Journal for their innovative integration of A.I. technology and has been praised as one of the “Most Admired Firms.”
Despite the prestige accumulated over the years, they steadfastly remain grounded in their mission to provide equitable and quality legal services to all people regardless of their financial circumstances. For this reason, they operate on a contingency fee basis. Schedule a free consultation now to learn more.