- Sprains are ligament tears
- Strains are tears in the muscles and tendons
- Contusion is more commonly known as bruises
- Soft Tissue Injuries can usually be cured using at-home treatments
In contrast to the other types of injuries that you could obtain in a car accident, soft tissue injuries are relatively mild as they’re merely damages done to the muscles, tendons and ligaments and could heal over time unlike the damage done to the bones.
Indeed, Oxford University Hospitals reported that those who have this injury may heal using at-home remedies as they usually won’t need any “special treatments” to recover.
Nevertheless, they occur pretty often. To obtain the appropriate treatment for your soft tissue injury, you first need to understand its different types:
Depending on how hard the impact is, being involved in a car accident could lead you to obtain a hand, foot, or even muscle contusion.
But exactly what is a contusion?
A contusion is just a fancy word for a bruise. Johns Hopkins Medicine states that contusions occur when an external force (ie: that of a moving vehicle) has produced an injury to the soft tissue, which causes pain and swelling. The impact also produces a discoloration (usually dark red, purple-ish hue) of the skin as a result of the damage done to the small blood vessels.
Sprains usually happen to athletes who may have to do sudden twists and turns to fulfill certain tasks, causing a tear in their ligaments.
But do you know that victims of car accidents may get certain parts of their body sprained due to the vehicular impact? For example the passenger in the vehicle may twist their neck haphazardly in a last ditch effort to protect themselves from further harm.
Unlike sprains, strains are soft tissue injuries that involve muscles and/or tendons; and according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, this is usually caused by the aforementioned soft tissues’ “overuse, force, or stretching.” It is akin to sprains in that strains usually also happen to athletes. But those involved in car accidents may also get strains. For example, when the adrenaline has subsided, it is normal for victims to feel muscle spasms post-accident. Some may even find themselves having some difficulty with moving due to soreness.
The RICE method usually works on a soft tissue injury of the knee, foot, ankle, and/or many more! This includes contusions, sprains, and strains. Since soft tissue injuries aren’t as serious as its counterparts Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury (both of which could significantly alter the course of one’s life), the RICE method is remedy enough for someone afflicted with a soft tissue injury! RICE stands for rest, ice, compress, and elevate.
- Rest: With your soft tissues damaged, rest is incredibly important to prevent further injuring them.
- Ice: Ice helps decrease inflammation and subside the pain.
- Compress: Compression helps with reducing the swelling, but make sure to not wrap bandages around the injured area too tightly as it might restrict blood flow.
- Elevate: Elevating your injury reduces swelling. Make sure it’s above heart level.
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