DUI Cost In California
As is true with any fatal accidents, the average cost of a DUI can prove itself to be quite costly. And there’s data to back it up. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping $123.3 billion in damages are reportedly incurred annually per the data in 2020.
With 32 roadway deaths occurring on average daily in the United States, on top of the worsening traffic fatalities post-lockdown, it’s very likely that the updated figures will present themselves to be far worse.This is consistent with one of the research findings found in the National Criminal Justice Reference Service library.
According to the study authored by A.C. Wagenaar, a downturn in the economy would usually be followed by a spike in DUI-related fatalities. Given the current political, economic, and social climate of the 2020s thus far, it only makes sense why drunk driving incidents would worsen — as is consistent with Wagenaar’s findings.
A drunk driving accident has immense costs physically, mentally, and financially. This blog will deal with the monetary repercussions of being hit by a drunk driver. In particular, we will delve into five of them, namely medical bills, property damages, funeral costs, wage loss, and emotional damages.
Medical Bills
The impact of a car collision varies case by case, but even if you are lucky enough to come out unscathed, you will still need to be assessed by a doctor to ensure that you are actually okay as opposed to just seeming okay. But if you got hit by a drunk driver, there’s a high likelihood of you suffering from fatal and catastrophic injuries afterwards.
You may need to be evaluated for your physical and mental health after a drunk driving accident. Seeing specialists for both is extremely important as the maladies of the body could affect your mental state as well. But they could be extremely expensive.
Property Damages
The damages in your car after a DUI accident could leave a hole in your pocket. And especially in cases involving drunk drivers, your car may even end up getting totaled altogether, which could result in you being in deep financial trouble.
This is because their inebriation clouds their judgment. So in all likelihood, they may hit your car hard — perhaps harder than they would have had they driven sober. This is why having underinsured motorist coverage is extremely important. That way, you will be protected come time they drive off from the scene of the accident, which has happened numerous times for many DUI victims.
Wage Loss
Although not usually acknowledged as a real cost of DUI accidents by many people, loss in wages resulting from a car collision is another financial burden that drunk driving victims are privy to.
Especially in the car-centric culture of California where people travel far just to get to their jobs, not having a reliable form of transportation could prove itself to be a liability for a lot of employed people. This gets in the way of them being able to pay their bills and support their families (if any).
This may then open up a sleuth of other financial issues that victims may not be ready to handle.
Funeral Costs
It’s not uncommon for victims of drunk drivers to be subjected to a wrongful and premature death. Oftentimes, fatal injuries precede their deaths, with some of them being so badly injured in the brain and spine that they enter a vegetative state.
So on top of the medical bills, families of the drunk driving victims have to concern themselves with the costs of burying their loved one. Because of the exorbitant costs of funerals, people usually set up a GoFundMe to help finance the cost, which just further goes to show how egregiously expensive it is to organize them.
Emotional Damages
It’s difficult to put a price to the emotional damages one may experience after enduring the trauma of a DUI accident. Unlike medical bills and property damages, there are no tangible receipts in which you can show how much your trauma “cost” you. But it is not impossible.
With the right drunk accident attorney, you can make a compelling case on why you need to be compensated for having suffered mentally and emotionally after the accident.
How Much Does a DUI Lawyer Cost?
You may be wondering, “how much do DUI Lawyers cost?”
Omega Law Group remains true to their mission of providing quality and equitable legal services to those who seek to speak out against greedy insurance companies. So as to not burden them with hefty upfront legal fees, they operate on a contingency fee basis. Meaning, it will cost clients nothing to hire a DUI lawyer upfront!
People affected by the actions of an inebriated reckless driver will face an insurmountable amount of financial responsibilities — some of which, if not most, they won’t be able to afford. On top of the mental and physical health issues that may arise due to the tragedy they’ve experienced, the financial repercussions of getting into an accident like this may be too much.
A qualified personal injury lawyer will alleviate a lot of these problems. But not just any lawyer. You need the best. You need to call Omega Law Group.
The best drunk accident lawyer will be able to help you get the compensation you will need for the aforementioned costs: medical bills, property damages, funeral costs, wage loss, emotional damages and many more. With over a million dollars accrued in settlement for their clients, Omega Law Group proves itself to be well-equipped to handle drunk accident cases.
The attorneys at Omega Law Group have been recognized by their peers as “Super Lawyers” and “Best Lawyers.” In addition, the founding partners of the firm have made headlines in the prestigious Los Angeles Business Journal for their innovative integration of Artificial Intelligence in their case processes.
This led to them being hailed as one of the “Most Admired Firms” by the publication, and they even had the pleasure of being featured in the Los Angeles Times.
Schedule a free consultation with our elite legal team to learn more!