People underestimate the effect of drowsiness on one’s driving abilities, yet it’s something that we need to be more wary about. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that for every twenty five adult drivers, one had admittedly fallen asleep behind the wheel. This is, without a doubt, an example of inattentive driving, and it’s one that has caused the lives of many people. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 50,000 injuries have resulted due to the actions of drowsy and inattentive drivers, as well as approximately 800 deaths in 2017.
There is no simple answer to this as it varies on a case-by-case basis. Some people may be forced to work long shifts to fund basic necessities. Some may have been up all night working on their school work. Some people may even have untreated sleeping disorders. Whatever the cause is, feeling exhausted while driving poses so many risks. If you feel drowsy, you need to find ways to stay awake while driving. Fortunately for you, we at Omega Law Group outlined a list of what you can do to mitigate this issue so that you and your loved ones can cruise down the road as safely as possible.
- Get A Good Night’s Rest
Studies done by AAA were cited by both CBS and TODAY regarding the negative effects of drowsy driving. The former stipulated that almost 10% of car crashes were due to the drowsy inattentive driver behind the wheel. So in order to lessen the risk of getting into an accident, you need to get a good night’s rest. Cited by TODAY, another study done by AAA mentioned that an hour less of sleep poses a significant risk of a car accident for all drivers. In fact, getting only 4-5 hours of sleep may have a similar effect as driving while intoxicated. The statistics are jarring. With this in mind, we encourage you to get a full night’s rest (8 hours) before driving!
- Avoid Driving During Peak Sleepy Times
If you get drowsy while driving it is best to avoid driving altogether but ESPECIALLY during peak sleepy times. The NHTSA states that these periods are from midnight to 6 o’clock in the morning and the late afternoon. A lot of the drivers around these times have probably worked long shifts and are thus extremely fatigued, which may cause them to drift off to sleep and veer off roads. Being out of the streets during these sleepy periods will mean one less drowsy and inattentive driver on the road, putting you, as well as other people, out of harm’s way.
- Consult Your Doctor
When you’ve done everything you can to mitigate the issue of drowsiness and you’re still racking your brain on how to stay awake while driving, you may need to inquire with your doctor about possible sleep disorders you may have. Having one is fairly common, so it’s nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, the CDC pointed out that sleeping disorders are present among approximately 70 million Americans. That’s almost a quarter of the U.S. population! We highly recommend seeking professional help as it will not only improve your sleep quality, but it could drastically reduce your chances of getting involved in a serious car accident!
Contact Omega Law Group
You could consult every list available on the internet and still, by some stroke of bad luck, you could still be involved in a car accident. We trust that you have continuously implemented the safety measures necessary to protect yourself and others on the road, but you also need to prepare yourself for when the worst occurs. We at Omega Law Group are happy to help. Give us a call at 866-942-3881 or visit our Beverly Hills location at 9454 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830, Beverly Hills, CA 90212.