Omega Law Group Accident & Injury Attorneys launched the 2024 Community Growth Scholarship to recognize students who have made a significant impact in their communities. The firm awarded $2,500 to a student whose video or essay demonstrated both a commitment to their community and an understanding of collective support.
This year, the firm is proud to award its Community Growth Scholarship to Krystal Robledo. Krystal is a mother of three whose college journey hasn’t been easy. Even so, Robledo has shown a continued dedication not only to her daughters but to the city of Chicago, local Latina moms, and anyone in need of a helping hand.
Omega Law Group is proud to offer Krystal the financial support she needs to finish her law degree, take the Bar Exam, and pursue her professional goals.
Getting to Know Krystal Robledo
Krystal Robledo deeply understands the community safety challenges that her city faces. She has been committed to creating a safer, more supportive environment for those in need. At 23 years old, Krystal co-founded The Healing Corner, a gun violence prevention organization in Chicago, IL. At the time, Krystal was a community college dropout with three young girls.
Despite her own needs, Krystal dedicated considerable time to The Healing Corner. “We gave out ‘free hugs’ along with free food at our first-ever community-building events,” she says.
“Our events…which took place on the same corners where shootings take place, eventually gained popularity as positive loitering events in a city that knew gun violence all too well,” she continues. “Local politicians, neighbors, the police department–many people came together to support our mission.”
Krystal Is Community-Made
It was Krystals’s efforts within The Healing Corner that encouraged her to go back to college in Fall 2017.
Chicago Latina Moms, a group on Facebook, stood by her during difficult times, offering her support that she says was essential to her health and well-being. “I’ll never forget the army of women who came together to help me, who didn’t even know me, yet they poured into me,” she says. “They are my community, and my community showed up for me when I needed them the most.”
It was through the love and support of both of these communities, that Kystal attained her undergraduate degree. She was then accepted into not one but five law schools, eventually choosing to go to school at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School.
Going Back to College
When Krystal first arrived at John Marshall Law School, she was one of only eight Latino students in her class of 100. She immediately sought out her fellow Latino students and then drafted a Constitution and By-laws for the Caribbean, Hispanic, and Latino Law Student Association (CHALLSA).
This organization, built with the same leadership Krystal displayed when founding The Healing Corner, brought students from across the Latin American diaspora together and gave them a community to pull from while attending law school.
Krystal managed this organization while also keeping up her grades. In her final semester of law school, she ranks among the top 14 students in her class. While she reports sacrificing time in Mock Trial and Law Review to further CHALLSA’s growth, she says that’s what community is all about: sacrifice–and specifically, sacrifices built on love.
What to Expect From Krystal in the Future
Like many law school graduates set to graduate this May, Krystal is preparing to take the July 2025 Bar Exam. This exam takes place over the course of two days and allows graduates to begin practicing law. Omega Law Group’s Community Growth Scholarship will allow Krystal to focus on her studies without the burden of financial concerns.
Once she passes the Bar Exam, Krystal says that she wants to “work at a law firm that prioritizes underserved and underrepresented communities in an area of law that allows me to constantly work with and advocate for these populations in and out of the courtroom.”
“I am passionate about civil rights work,” she continues, “and I hope to have my own civil rights firm one day and represent plaintiffs in racially discriminatory policing cases and education, housing, and employment discrimination.”
About Omega Law Group’s Community Growth Scholarship
There are several unique financial obstacles that can prevent smart and talented students from pursuing their dreams of a college education. The personal injury lawyers at Omega Law Group want to offer a helping hand to students who might have had to set their dreams aside due to those barriers.
That’s what the Community Growth Scholarship is about. Omega Law Group offers the scholarship to help students achieve their academic goals. The scholarship provides its winning student with $2,500 to dedicate toward their continued education.
The team invites students to share stories of community commitment through videos and traditional essays. We want to hear how today’s students have engaged with their communities, which communities have shaped their lives, and how they have given back. Future applicants can check our website for this year’s application opening.
Congratulations, Krystal Robledo!
Omega Law Group and its scholarship selection committee were deeply moved to receive Krystal’s scholarship application. Krystal’s dedication to giving back, overcoming personal hardships, and seeking support when needed demonstrates both maturity and a strong commitment to building a better future.
The Los Angeles personal injury lawyers at Omega Law Group wish Krystal the best of luck as she continues to study for the July Bar Exam. We send our best wishes along to her and her three daughters and hope that all of them can continue creating new paths for themselves in the world.