In the streets of Los Angeles, one person dies every forty hours due to traffic-related accidents. This could be attributed to the fact that people in Los Angeles are extremely reliant on their vehicles to get to places. Public transportation isn’t an efficient way to travel for a lot of Angelenos, and as a result, most have to use their vehicles, leading to so much congestion in the freeways and the streets. With so much dependence on cars, drivers may need the best Los Angeles personal injury lawyers since there’s a high likelihood of an accident; and if they don’t die from it, they will most likely acquire some injuries like:
The best case scenario in a car accident is to somehow come out of it unscathed. Unfortunately, scrapes and cuts may be the next best thing as far as personal injuries are concerned. This is because they’re easily treatable.
Scrapes and cuts occur in an accident when shards of glass or other objects come into contact with your skin or any parts of your body as a result of the car accident. Depending on the severity of this particular injury (which oftentimes is a minor one), scrapes and cuts don’t have life-altering effects. However, infection remains a possibility. For this reason, you should still be wheeled to the nearest emergency room and get them treated. As an additional safety precaution, you may as well check for any potential undetected injuries while you’re there.
After the chaos of an accident subsides, you would have to deal with the aftermath. You may end up feeling a slight stiffness in your neck or in your back. If you didn’t break a bone, consider the possibility that you’re having a soft tissue injury.
Soft tissue injuries come about when the accident has caused any particular harm to the “soft parts” of our body, more commonly, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. According to the Sterling Medical Group, this type of injury can be grouped in two parts:
Sprains: When ligaments linked to the bones are overstretched
ie: stiff neck
Strains: when tendons linked to the muscles are injured. More commonly known as “pulling a muscle.”
Possibly in the same league as those labeled the “worst car crash injuries,” spinal cord injuries (SCI) can occur after a vehicular accident. As a matter of fact, the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) stated that car accidents are the leading cause of spinal injury, with victims often staying in hospital acute care units for 11 days. In addition, three out of ten victims of SCI end up getting re-hospitalized after acquiring the injury, averaging 18 days in hospital stay according to the NSCISC. Victims are not only left to deal with a life-altering injury, they could potentially be burdened with an insurmountable amount of financial debt as a result of the accident.
Joining SCI in the “worst car crash injuries” list, Mayfield Clinic stated that traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain is subjected to sudden impact of any kind, and may range from mild to severe. In latter cases, surgery may be necessary for the victim to recuperate from TBI. Even with recovery, Mayfield Clinic said that the victim could face life-altering effects if afflicted by TBI. For example, they could experience a significant shift in their personality. In worst case scenarios, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons said that patients suffering from severe cases of TBI remain “persistently vegetative” and may have to be voluntarily euthanized, causing emotional distress for those related to the victim. In these cases, you may need wrongful death lawyers. Omega Law Group, PC is here to help.
In Omega Law Group, our attorneys are determined to help you through whatever hardships these injuries may have posed on your life. This is because we deeply empathize with our clients. We genuinely want them to receive the best possible outcome in their case. Worrying about your next move after an injury is already stressful enough. Let us help you walk through it. Have a look at our Contact Us page to visit the nearest Omega Law office in your area, or give us a call at 866-942-3881.