It’s common knowledge that no one who’s had a few drinks should get behind the wheel of a car. Even so, California continues to see regular drunk driving accidents, many of which leave victims with severe or even fatal injuries. How can you respond to a drunk driving accident? You can ask a Sacramento drunk driving accident lawyer to represent you throughout your recovery.
Omega Law Group Accident & Injury Attorneys brings decades of legal experience to bear on behalf of our clients. We do not stand for negligence brought about by deliberate attempts to flout the law. Our car accident lawyers in Sacramento have secured millions of dollars on behalf of our clients. Let us do the same for you, starting today.
Holding Other Drivers Financially Responsible for Your Recovery
If you get into an accident with a drunk driver, you have the legal right to hold that driver financially accountable for your recovery. You can:
- File an insurance claim against the negligent driver
- Pursue a personal injury claim in civil court
Both processes will allow you to outline the specific instances of negligence that led to your accident. So long as you can tie your economic and non-economic losses to that negligence, you can demand a settlement specifically designed to cover the cost of your post-accident case. A Sacramento personal injury lawyer can help you with this process.
However, if you want to file a personal injury claim, you need to finalize your paperwork within California’s personal injury statute of limitations, Cal. Civ. Code § 335.1 (2024). This statute gives you two years and no longer to bring a claim forward in civil court.
Proving Fault After a Drunk Driving Accident
Whether you want to file a personal injury claim or negotiate with insurance claims adjusters, you need to bring forward enough evidence of fault to successfully argue that a liable party owed you a duty of care at the time of your collision. The evidence you use to make this point may range from physical evidence like broken glass or ski marks to video and photo evidence.
You can also count on a legal representative to help you gather and organize witness statements, including statements from expert witnesses like police officers and emergency responders. Hard data from blood alcohol tests and field tests can also help you make your case.
Last but not least, make sure you have your medical records organized before you file either type of claim. Medical claims help establish the value of your physical losses.
When Should You Contact a Sacramento Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer?
You shouldn’t have to go up against insurance claims adjusters or a liable party on your own, especially if you’re dealing with severe or life-changing injuries. If you want to take legal action after an accident with a drunk driver, ask a Sacramento, CA, drunk driving accident lawyer to represent your best interests.
Your first case consultation with Omega Law Group’s attorneys comes free of charge and does not commit you to any form of legal action. You can instead discuss your options, outline the severity of your losses, and learn more about our available services. It’s entirely up to you to decide whether or not you want to move forward with a case.
If you decide to move forward with any kind of restorative action, you can trust our team to work on contingency. We do not get paid unless you walk away from your case with money in your hands, and we don’t send you bills or charge you a deposit in the meantime.
Will the State Hold Drunk Drivers Criminally Accountable for Your Accident?
The state of California can take legal action against anyone perceived to be intoxicated at the time of a car accident. If a field sobriety test or blood alcohol test reveals that a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) exceeded legal limits at the time of your accident, the state can take them to trial, where they can face fines, jail time, and other consequences for their misconduct.
The state and its representatives may fall you forward to provide testimony regarding your losses and the liable party’s behavior. If the state convicts your liable party before your civil case concludes, you’re in luck. You can submit that conviction as evidence of the liable party’s negligence while fighting for financial support in civil court.
Our drunk driving accident lawyers in Sacramento, CA, can keep up to date with developments in a liable party’s criminal case to determine whether or not that case might impact your financial recovery.
What Compensation Can You Receive After a Drunk Driving Accident?
You deserve the opportunity to ask for comprehensive financial support following an accident with a drunk driver in Sacramento. Our attorneys can help you find the value of your relevant economic and non-economic expenses, including the following:
- Emergency medical services and emergency room expenses
- Long-term medical care
- Pain management and restorative efforts, including physical therapy
- Lost wages
- Property damage and restoration
- Reduced quality of life
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
We do not let insurance claims adjusters get away with minimizing the value of your drunk driving accident. Our team will always fight to maximize the compensation you walk away with after filing a drunk driving claim.
It’s Time to Book Your Free Drunk Driving Case Consultation
Drunk drivers actively endanger everyone on the road around them. You shouldn’t have to resign yourself to injuries brought about by their recklessness. You can work with a drunk driving accident attorney in Sacramento to take civil action against a drunk driver while the state pursues its criminal case.
Your civil lawsuit allows you to demand compensation based on the swath of losses you faced as a result of a drunk driver’s negligence. Our team will make sure your voice is heard and that liable parties recognize that they owe you financial support in the wake of your accident.
Don’t wait another minute. You can book a free drunk driving accident consultation with Omega Law Group right now.